15 April, 2012

Michael Jordan NBA's Action

Michael Jordan Wonderfull Style

Michael Jordan
was a basketball player who became a star. He went from being a star to being a NBA superstar. When people believed he could go no higher, he transcended sports altogether and became a international icon. To many, he was simply GOAT, the Greatest Of All Time. 

Michael Jordan Technique

Michael Jordan
was basketball, and basketball was Michael Jordan. At one point during the peak of his career, Michael Jordan became an international celebrity. He filled stadiums where ever he went. Children from remote villages in China went to sleep with Michael Jordan’s poster on their walls. And every kid on a playground trying to dunk a basketball pretended to be like Mike. 

Michael Jordan Jumping

was not a basketball prodigy either. To most people who knew him growing up, Michael was just a goofy kid who liked to play basketball. He wasn’t the most popular kid at school and the older boys often made fun of Michael for sticking out his tongue during ball games. In fact, Michael Jordan learned how to iron his own clothes because he thought he would never get a girlfriend 

Michael Jordan In The Field

Michael Jordan Shooting The Ball

His life is composed of a series of obstacles, each of which he turned into an evolutionary step. With each step he discarded another weakness, and picked up another strength, eventually becoming the Michael Jordan that we all know. His life is a story of challenge, of struggle, and of ultimate triumph. We should learn all we can from this incredible story. 

Michael Jordan and The Team

Michael Jordan Won Thropy
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